Educational Programme of the Exhibition “Senses and Sensations”

Photo by Gintarė Grigėnaitė
Public Lectures 


28 January 2025, 5:30 PM 

On the Other Side of the Portrait: The Story of Opera Prima Donna Adelina Büdel 

(lecture with musical interludes) 

Dr Saulius Špokevičius, Salomėja Petronytė 


4 February 2025, 5:30 PM 

The Science of Emotions. Can We Read Emotions on a Face? 

Dr Jogilė Ulinskaitė 


25 February 2025, 5:30 PM. 

Seeing the Invisible: Art as a Source for the Scent History  

Eglė Bertašienė 


25 March 2025, 5:30 PM 

Flavours of Romanticism in Vilnius: Jan Szyttler 

Professor Dr Rimvydas Laužikas 


8 April 2025, 5:30 PM 

The Body in the Mirror – More than a Reflection 

Dr Indrė Užuotaitė  


15 April 2025, 5:30 PM 

Hierarchy of Senses: Why Do We Consider Eyes More Important than Nose? 

Augustė Dementavičienė 





25 January 2025, 7 PM

Concert of Petras Geniušas Improvistation ‘Senses and Sensations’


18 March 2025, 5:30 PM 

Concert of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre students 



Guided Tours   


Free guided tours with exhibition curators*  


14 January 2025, 5:30 PM 

29 April 2025, 5:30 PM 



Free guided tours with a museum guide* ** 


12 January 2025, 1:00 PM 

22 February 2025, 2:00 PM

23 February 2025, 1:00 PM

23 March 2025, 1:00 PM

13 April 2025, 1:00 PM 


* A free guided tour requires the participant to have a museum visitor’s ticket.

** A guided tour with a museum guide can be ordered individually, by prior arrangement via email or phone +37068190329.



Public Education 


18 January 2025, 1:00 PM “What is the Temperature of Anger?”

22 February 2025, 1:00 PM “Pictures of Music” 

19 April 2025, 1:00 PM “Recognise the Emotion”



Educational Sessions 


What is the Temperature of Anger? 


Where do we find joy? How to overcome fear? What is the temperature of anger? Can feelings be coloured or touched? We invite you to courageously step into the world of feelings, to discover, ask, explore and see it in works of art. During the session, we will discuss the main human emotions; while walking around the exhibition we will discuss the sensations caused by the environment and ask why some paintings bring joy, while others make us solemn. In the practical part, we will sculpt portraits and try to make them talk. 


The activity is designed for preschool and junior schoolchildren. 

The class can be adapted for schoolchildren with disabilities. 



Scent Journeys in the Vilnius Picture Gallery 


On average, a person inhales about 24 thousand times per day. This means that we are constantly immersed in the world of scents, we experience various spaces of scents. Smell is invisible, it cannot be touched, but smell is one of the most important senses for understanding the environment around us. We invite you to a journey of the scents in the Vilnius Picture Gallery, where we will try to ‘catch’ scents with the help of our noses, describe them and create a scent map. We will also discuss what smells prevail in different areas of the museum and what sensations they evoke in us. 


The activity is designed for senior high school students, adults, seniors and the disabled. 

The class can be adapted for schoolchildren and adults with disabilities. 



Recognise the Emotion 


We experience different emotions every day, thus it is important to recognise them. Unfortunately, we don’t always know how or dare to name what we feel. Characters depicted in works of art can make it easier to understand our own and others’ emotional expressions. We invite you to an educational session during which we will try to recognise the main emotions in works of art, and in the practical part, we will create a circle of feelings that will help us understand ourselves. 


The activity is designed for schoolchildren in grades 1–8. 

The class can be adapted for schoolchildren with disabilities. 



Pictures of Music 


Hearing is one of the most important human senses. After all, we have all experienced the power of music to affect our mood. Just a few chords can turn sadness into joy, make you yearn or make the heart beat faster. Multiple times artists have tried to transfer music sounds and music scores to paper or canvas. Therefore, after viewing the exhibition and listening to short recordings of different music, we will create our own abstract paintings based on the principle of monotype or collage, in which we will reveal the essence of the chosen music. 


The educational activity is designed for students of various ages, youngsters, adults, and can be adapted to persons with disabilities. 


Registration for educational sessions via phone +370 682 45 314 or email 



4 Didžioji St, Vilnius 

Phone +370 5 261 1685, email 


Follow us on social networks: 


Instagram @vilniauspaveikslugalerija 


Opening Hours 

II 10:00 AM–8:00 PM 

III–VI 10:00 AM–6:00 PM 

VII 11:00 AM–5:00 PM 


The gallery is closed on Mondays and during public holidays. On the eve of the public holidays, it closes one hour earlier. 



Adult – 6 Eur 

Price with discount – 3 EUR 

Guided Tour (in Lithuanian) – 20 EUR, (in other languages) ​– 25 EUR 

Free Admission for members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). 


Educational Classes Tickets 

Children – 3 Eur 

Adults – 5 Eur

4 Didžioji st, Vilnius, Lithuania
+370 5 261 1685

See also


Senses And Sensations

Exhibition opening

Vilnius Picture Gallery of the LNMA traces five hundred years of artistic attempts to capture senses and sensations