Museums Night at Vilnius Picture Gallery

3 July 2021. Free entrance!

Photo by Gintarė Grigėnaitė

Vilnius Picture Gallery


4 Didžioji st, LT–01128, Vilnius, Lithuania


(+370 5) 212 08 41; (+370 5) 212 4258


Open 18.00-24.00



Open exhibition:


Sacred Vilnius: Pilgrimage from the Gates of Dawn to Kalvarija Way of the Cross


This two-part exhibition is hosted by two museums: the display of the Picture Gallery of the Lithuanian National Museum of Art deals with the iconographic features of the temples and shrines along the pilgrim route, while the Church Heritage Museum invites to see different pieces of art connected to these temples and chapels. The displays are linked by the extant paintings from the chapels of Vilnius Calvary, part of which were thought to have been lost in the wake of the 1963 destruction. The exhibit evokes the former charm of the landscape of Kalvarija and presents, to the public and even researchers of Christian art, the little-known pieces of sacred art, rescued from the blown-up chapels of Kalvarija, the Chapel of Šnipiškės, and other places.

4 Didžioji st, Vilnius, Lithuania
+370 5 261 1685