Photo by Gintarė Grigėnaitė Address: 4 Didžioji st, LT-01128, Vilnius. Tel. (+370 5) 262 1883. E-mail muziejus@lndm.lt Governing Body – the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania. Director General – Dr Arūnas Gelūnas. In January 1997, the State Government granted the Museum the status of a National museum. The Lithuanian National Museum of Art is an institutional member of the Lithuanian Museums Association and the International Committee of Museums (ICOM).
Visitors are allowed to take pictures or film in the permanent displays and exhibitions, provided photographs/videos are for personal use only and will not be reproduced or published. The use of flashlights or tripods is not permitted. The Museum reserves the right to forbid photographing or filming of any kind in specific rooms of permanent or temporary exhibitions. Media representatives may use equipment with the permission of the Museum’s administration.
It is the visitor’s responsibility to ensure no copyright is infringed.
About Director General

Arūnas Gelūnas resumed his duties as the Director General of the Lithuanian National Museum of Art on 2 April 2019.
A. Gelūnas studied printmaking and graphic art at the Vilnius Academy of Arts (VAA) and Japanese painting (Nihonga) at the Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo Geidai), has held exhibitions of his prints and paintings in Lithuania, France, Japan and other countries around the world, and has been awarded various prizes for printmaking and book design.
After defending his doctoral thesis at the Vytautas Magnus University in 2001, he became more seriously invested in philosophy and art theory, taught printmaking, ink painting and calligraphy, art theory and philosophy at the VAA and other universities in Lithuania. Arūnas Gelūnas taught history of the Japanese mentality and the history of Japanese art at the Vilnius University, has published scientific articles and essays on the subjects of philosophy, cultural theory and art history and theory. Between 2004 and 2010, he worked as the vice-rector for studies at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, was appointed the Lithuanian minister of culture in 2010, became the permanent representative and ambassador of Lithuania to UNESCO in 2012. In 2016 A. Gelūnas has been elected to the Seimas (Parliament) of Lithuania and has been a member of the Culture and Education and Science committees, was elected a vice president of the Committee on European Affairs. He has contributed to the creation of the Lithuanian Association of Creative and Culture Industries, was the first chairperson of its board, and it was during his tenure as the minister of culture that the foundation for the Lithuanian Council for Culture was laid and the Lithuanian Film Centre was founded. In 2013, A. Gelūnas was named an honorary doctor of the Aalto University (Finland).
Modified: 03/08/2023